Flashlights...who needs flashlights when your halloween night has a beautiful bright moon to guide you through the dark streets collecting your tricks or treats.
Children waiting patiently for their fun to begin..Trick or Treat...give me something good to eat.......As you can see even the givers get in the game...here are a couple of two scary gals..I mean guys...playing a trick..some scary thoughts....."will he move when I collect my candy? Is he going to jump out at me? Is he real? A trick we encountered along the way....
Even Frankenstein came for his treats.
My monster......as you can tell we love scary Halloween...
trick or treat?.....(thanks to the Graphic Fairy for their photo)
OK, for all you rebus buffs out there can you please tell me what this little cup is trying to tell me. If you look real close on the cup you will see ...an eye....M....pitcher?....match?...for the life of me I cant figure out what it means. First of all...is it a pitcher? And is it a match or quill? I know the eye and letter M..mean "I'm"..right?
Can you figure out the mystery and please let me know.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Oh my goodness...I seem to be arriving late to all my blog parties...this is something that I quickly threw together before I turn into a pumpkin at midnight.
I've had these shoe cobblers in the porch so I apologize for not thinking of dusting, an old humidity reader and an old Spanish fan that I love. I am off to see what other goodies have been posted at Gypsy Brocante.
Once again I am joining Leigh over at Tales from Bloggeritavillefor the Thrifty Thursday. I hope you all don't mind if I use the same picture from the last post. I really love my green glass and want to keep on showing it..until I find something else to replace it with. haha. When I saw these red and white plates at my local thrift store I was so excited. You see, I 've had plates like these before and dummy me, I broke them up to make mosaic stepping stones. Yes, I know..what a dummy! So now I am slowly adding red and white plates to my cupboards. I know it's not the whole set but who cares, they are still pretty to enjoy. The "bread" plate was found about a month ago at a TS too, I thought it was so cool that it had the word bread on it with all the cute details. I might use it as a decoration during the Thanksgiving month...That's about it for today but please check out the other Thrifty Thursday posts...lots of goodies to see!!
I'm late....I'm late..... to the "I'm a Flea Marketeer Party" over at Flea Market Style. I found these three pieces at my all time favorite thrift shop last week. I was so excited to bring them home and display them.
A closer look shows a man either serenading or proposing to his love.
I love the picture on this, for some reason old ships have always fascinated me. Maybe because I have had dreams about them? Hmmmm...who knows.
Good Evening....the Halloween Party has started, please sit down and fill your cups with spirits for this will be a hauntingly good time. Nothing cute or pretty here, lots of bones if you will..Stroll around and mingle, meet my son....he's no Kris Kringle.
the spiders are here or there
look there's one don'tdespair.
Take the bait, grab some treats...
here's some that have enjoyed eats.
If we don't have what you like don't loose your head
your complaints are better off left unsaid.
Is it time to go?
We don't think so!
have a seat, will it bite?
The garments are here to excite
so let us start the horror story
because we're sure that it will be gory.
Grab all your need full things
like eye of newt and bat wings.
Bring your cutlery in vain
in which these drawers contain.
We've invited everyone including living or dead
light the candles and start your night of dread.
The table is set
the treats abound
better hurry before none are found.
The guests have arrived
some not so safe and sound.
But in time more will come around... Here's some cakes with some appendages
but wait for dinner or you will need bandages.
Be you skeleton or be you ghost..
here is the arrival of our anticipated host.
Don't worry if his conversation is boring...
his beautiful bride is quite alluring.
Dessert is after dinner so make your appetite go far...
Hello and Welcome to my blog. My name is Sylvia. I am a proud mother to two amazing teenage boys, a wife of 25 years to a handsome and supportive husband. On July 2014, we became Entrepreneurs and have been enjoying the ride...
My hobbies include junkin' and pickin' at flea markets, thrift stores and garage sales.