Ohhhh friends....soldering was A LOT harder than I thought. I had these grand ideas in my head, I was going to make tons of memory pendants for my friends, give them away during coffee Monday morning and be done. But nooooo, It didn't work that way...hahaha...first of all I am not even sure if I should be using exacto knives (which I got some really cool ones for Christmas) because whenever I tried to cut the paper into tiny pieces, the paper wouldn't cut! I had to run the knife several times for the paper to cut, thank goodness for the large trivet, its all scratched up now but it sure did come in handy. I guess I need one of those plastic mats for crafting??? THEN...it was mastering the copper tape...hahahah....beading is a lot easier than this. That copper tape tends to bend all different ways, but I was finally able to conquer the d**n thing. Now mind you...during this whole time, I am running back and forth to the instructional You tube videos! Sigh....I was finally ready to solder, my hubby showed me how to light the cute little torch. And during that time all of my 3 men encircled my craft area (kitchen counter) to see how I was going to do..NO PRESSURE THERE! Friends....it wasn't a pretty site, my hands were twisting all weird directions (no 3rd hand yet), I was getting the solder wire stuck to the memory glass, getting instructions from hubby, running back to the "how to solder" You tube videos, the solder getting hard too fast, my boys wanting to try it too. LOL...it was an ordeal...it was UGLY. Thank goodness I started with MY pendant, I dont feel bad messing that up. Yes I am embarrased to show you my work, I even considered not putting my watermark on the pictures but hey....I am not going to sugar coat here, you are getting the facts and nothing but the facts. I will be practicing how to solder before I tackle the cute pendants I made so I am off to the big orange box store for more soldering wire. Happy New Year... P.S....all graphics in my pendants came from the
Graphics Fairy, a very cool site with lots of beautiful pictures.