A big sigh of relief...it's Spring Break....Yeaaaaaaa...my kids and I are excited. Them for not going to school and me for not having to make lunches everyday and driving them to school 20 minutes away....we will be staying up late, sleeping in late, wearing pj's all day, gardening.....sweet huh?
Have a great weekend...Sylvia
P.S...check out this great giveaway...from Jenny Doh at Crescendoh.....Rejuvenated Jewels by Amy Hanna. For those of you that don't know of Amy Hanna, she creates some amazing jewelry...I drool over her jewelry everytime I visit her blog. Check it out.
Ive seen your older post of your secret garden. How is it coming along? It's always fun to garden. We found the urn a really great flea market out here in Califorina. Have a good day out in the garden.
Love the cute chick in the glass! Very unique.....it will look so good on your Easter table.
What a cute decoration! And a clever use of orphan champagne glasses.
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