The green pot was also found yesterday on one of my adventures....not sure if it's Weller since it's unmarked but I love it anyways. Ohhh and as I was moving things around trying to get the pictures taken I accidently broke the mirror so all I have is the pretty frame! I know....I know....so if anyone knows of a dance to ward off 7 years of bad luck Pleaaassseeee send me a note....hhahahaah
LOVE the frame - so intricate yet simple.
Have fun
I just love the frame...perfect for a message board!! The chair is adorable too...I want one!!
Very pretty frame!!!!!!!!
What a sweet friend you have! And I love the frame on that mirror! Thanks for the comment.
Your frame is beautiful, I love it! Hopefully you won't have bad luck for breaking a mirror!
Cool bean! What a great friend and gifts!!!!!!
smiles, alice
Luv that frame but sorry about you breaking the mirror in it:( What an awesome FRIEND you have...hang on to her! Thanks for coming to my NTT party:)
Haha, now I understand why I can see the chair THROUGH the mirror.
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